THE OZARK FLY GUIDES                                                                    


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Like us on Facebook. We post updates, pics, data, and other info about the local fly fishing industry. 


Arkansas Game and Fish Commission

(purchase your fishing liscence online) 

If you are a resident of Arkansas you will need a fishing licences and trout permit.

Non-resident will need the same but they are available in a 3 day, 7 day, or annual license. The trout permit is annual for both resident and non-resident.


Graphic and Tabular Data for Resevoirs/Tailwaters :

Current Data for recent releases from the dams.

This is posted regularly, but it is about an hour behind the actual release. However, it does let you know the amount (CFS) that is beening released. 



SWPA Generation Schedules (water generation is always subject to change)

A projected release of water will be posted each day by 5:00 pm.  Keep in mind that it is not always what they do, it is simply a projection, but it gives anglers a good idea of what to expect.  Be safe out there.

Little Rock DistrictThis app  is available free for Ipone and Android. It has all water data for our tailwaters.




Mid South Fly Fishers  

A Memphis based Federation of Flyfishers organization.

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